Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Rides and ships, tales of other dazes, glory dazes done, glory dazes to come, bigger and better, dances on the water.

 Crush 2020. Ocean Views,BLESSED ALWAYS. Four Fingers To A Hand, Love Is The Answer To Dream Lives, Hands In The Air, Thanks Johnny Depp.Plenty of fish in the seas, men, monsters, moments lost in time. Boats to float, ships of fools to sell, waves to make, sons to shine.

Love and lights, sad and blue, dances for love, dances for lights, dances for peace of mind, dances for joys and pains, good times to stand. Rides and ships, tales of other dazes, glory dazes done, glory dazes to come, bigger and better, dances on the water.

Cannabis and Conversation. Karma, So quick to point the finger, you forget, there are 3 fingers, pointed back at you. Investing time in these helps me get more leads and sales for my client. So, always invest your time in the right action. Let me know "Where do you invest your time?"
Pinterest.🔥F🔥O🔥L🔥L🔥O🔥W🔥 Bad Company:Freak, Frogs, Fools?Cons And Pros.

JARROT JEWISH WHITE STARS OF 2020 SELF CENTERED, SHALLOW, VAIN, A SNAKES IN THE GRASS. WATCH OUT FOR FAKE FRIENDS ALWAYS AND FOREVER. 'SEE YOU IN HELL.When you and the ROACH. Let your enemies TALK...‬Let your enemies FOLLOW...‬Let your enemies PLOT...‬‪They Will Destroy Themselves In The Process. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley..‬You can't sit with us

Holiday Hits And Misses, Moves To Make, Frogs For ...Faces On Clocks, Faces In Mirrors, Faces Of Frogs. Tits....seven days the world to create, one man alone.STAY STRONG SOLDIER..WE AIN'T EVEN STARTED YET, IT'S GONNA GET A LOT MESSIER BEFORE IT GETS GOOD.

 Crush 2020. Ocean Views,BLESSED ALWAYS. Four Fingers To A Hand, Love Is The Answer To Dream Lives, Hands In The Air, Thanks Johnny Depp.Plenty of fish in the seas, men, monsters, moments lost in time. Boats to float, ships of fools to sell, waves to make, sons to shine.Rides and ships, tales of other dazes, glory dazes done, glory dazes to come, bigger and better, dances on the water.

 Crush 2020. Ocean Views,BLESSED ALWAYS. Four Fingers To A Hand, Love Is The Answer To Dream Lives, Hands In The Air, Thanks Johnny Depp.Plenty of fish in the seas, men, monsters, moments lost in time. Boats to float, ships of fools to sell, waves to make, sons to shine.Rides and ships, tales of other dazes, glory dazes done, glory dazes to come, bigger and better, dances on the water.

Love and lights, sad and blue, dances for love, dances for lights, dances for peace of mind, dances for joys and pains, good times to stand. Rides and ships, tales of other dazes, glory dazes done, glory dazes to come, bigger and better, dances on the water.
 Crush 2020. Ocean Views,BLESSED ALWAYS. Four Fingers To A Hand, Love Is The Answer To Dream Lives, Hands In The Air, Thanks Johnny Depp.Plenty of fish in the seas, men, monsters, moments lost in time. Boats to float, ships of fools to sell, waves to make, sons to shine.
Love and lights, sad and blue, dances for love, dances for lights, dances for peace of mind, dances for joys and pains, good times to stand. Rides and ships, tales of other dazes, glory dazes done, glory dazes to come, bigger and better, dances on the water.

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