Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Look up at the shining blue stars, watch for the ones that shoot across the sky, and make a wish.

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Time to wish a pond a star tonight, ready to leave the cities, and found places where stops on traffic are in a distance far away. Look up at the shining blue stars, watch for the ones that shoot across the sky, and make a wish.

Disneyland Nightmares, Rats, Roaches, Micky Mouse. Faces In Crowns, Crowd Controls, Nazi Camps To Run, Counting Heads,Taking Cash, Credit, Silent Knights, Veterans Battles In The Head. Time to wish a pond a star tonight, ready to leave the cities, and found places where stops on traffic are in a distance far away. Look up at the shining blue stars, watch for the ones that shoot across the sky, and make a wish.
No photo description available.Charles R. Jarrot 7607778998 , Charlie Jesuit or Jesus Christ, fairy tales, pretenses and horse and pony shows.Happy Dazes Daily: hate.Frank Agresti added ...Lessons learned over time, goats and sheep, fish and frogs, tales of lovers, stores of haters, faces in the mirror. Lights Of Luck, Lots Of Love, Lots Of Lessons To Learn. Steven and Charles R. Jarrot, over here, and over there, jackasses in the hills, and the vallehy, Beverley Hills that is.

Charcoal Group:You are what you are, a thief, a crook, a cheater, and a liar, faces in the mirror. Rats to roaches, walks of fame. Charles R. Jarrot. Beaches, Dream Lives.Time to wish a pond a star tonight, ready to leave the cities, and found places where stops on traffic are in a distance far away. Look up at the shining blue stars, watch for the ones that shoot across the sky, and make a wish.

  1. Pieces of a Dream: Angels, Dragons, Fairy Tales Tops,Coins ...

    Nov 01, 2017 · Charles R. jarrot, by credit or cash, will steal from his own family, why not you? American Birds, sit and spin, party and play, gang bangs, cum in ass, cum on face, it's all good to Steven Jarrot 7608512267. Cum bang tonight. Good times, snake in grass, crook and cheater, veterans to pay. Always searching for prey online, craigslist cum hound.Time to wish a pond a star tonight, ready to leave the cities, and found places where stops on traffic are in a distance far away. Look up at the shining blue stars, watch for the ones that shoot across the sky, and make a wish.
    •  Cali Cow
  2. The Fairy and the Frog: November 2016 - Blogger

    Lessons learned over time, goats and sheep, fish and frogs, tales of lovers, stores of haters, faces in the mirror. Lights Of Luck, Lots Of Love, Lots Of Lessons To Learn. Steven and Charles R. Jarrot, over here, and over there, jackasses in the hills, and the vallehy, Beverley Hills that is.
  3. Cow to Buffalo: November 2015

    Faces in the mirror, faces in the sands of time, pages to books, rats to roaches, how to make a buck, walks of fame. Good times, angels to host, bats out of hell, hell hounds to write about. Freaks, frogs in groups, fools on the water: self love My Journey Through Prostitution, Dream life of Rachel Jarrot,good times to heads to count, strangers ...Time to wish a pond a star tonight, ready to leave the cities, and found places where stops on traffic are in a distance far away. Look up at the shining blue stars, watch for the ones that shoot across the sky, and make a wish.
  4. Blue Oceans, Daily Dream, Seas Of Dreams: 2016

    Blue Oceans, Daily Dream, Seas Of Dreams.Time to wish a pond a star tonight, ready to leave the cities, and found places where stops on traffic are in a distance far away. Look up at the shining blue stars, watch for the ones that shoot across the sky, and make a wish.
”Bringing forth positivity around the world”. Live your heart and then every thought⚘⚘⚘ will become a beautiful flower ...πŸ’žOH, HAPPY DAY! Just one moment, two tales of the faces in the crowds. Rats in white gloves, calls to make, Micky Mouse, good times, god ties, dances in the streets.SILENT MAN:
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HOLY CRAP"Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common.Rites, Reasons, Seasons Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Counting Heads.: ~PRINCE~ Acknowledge Me. Veteran Declared Clocks, ... 

Wishing y'all a relaxing Sunday      TV Guide, Rolling Stones, to name a few. Thanks so much, lights on, and lights off, candles out in the winds. Sad Stories. Hares Lost Over Time, Cali Chicks, Babes, Heads Up.Dreams and nightmares, dicks, dawgs, donkeys in the hills, cattle calls, pigs, hogs, hoes,, crooks, cheaters, liars, roles to play, hats to wear.

Image may contain: 1 person

HOLY CRAP"Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common.Rites, Reasons, Seasons Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Counting Heads.: ~PRINCE~ Acknowledge Me. Veteran Declared Clocks, ... 
Image may contain: 2 people, closeup and indoor
In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.Time to stop, stand still, listen to the songs in the winds, good times, god ties, great dazes on the right side of the grave.All days are beautiful if the mood is good.*Santiago 333 Smith*:*Reese Uritza*.Dicks Out of Box. Learners: Losers,Winners:Cons, Coin.
Rites, Reasons, Seasons Of Winners, Losers, Learners, Counting Heads.: ~PRINCE~ Acknowledge Me. Veteran Declared Clocks, ... 

NO WEASEL ALLOWED well... this one is back up and running. in the tunnel. all systems go. what a hasstle to have to go thru to keep the corporate hacks out just to post a christian message on facebook.If It Isn’t Love: SEEKER OF TRUTH.⭐It's NOW .Gems. BILLBOARD'S MESSAGE:I’m trying to do everything I can to get my foot in the door in this extremely competitive industry Rachel Jarrot: UNDRESSED. Horns Of Love, Hate, Cheap Tricks. Tigers In Wait, Dinner To Eat, Lions On Top, Cats To Fight, Cali Chicks, Babes, Roars At Frogs

  1. Snakes in Grass: May 2018

    Prey online, veterans to catch, lost and confused, transitional veterans to pay. Snakes within, hell hounds on land, pigs to blow away. Wolves in pots, water hot, meat to eat for the pig with wits and smart.
  2. Sinners and Saints: 2019 - Blogger

    Hare Matters: Hairs to you, bald heads to show, bad hair days, with $6000 wigs, way to ride, trips by plane for free, daddy to lick, balls and docks, cum to balls, tasteful treats. Just like daddy, Steven Jarrot, just like livers and livers, Sima and Charles R. Jarrot, 7607778998, crook since age 14, old people to die, frogs in line.Time to wish a pond a star tonight, ready to leave the cities, and found places where stops on traffic are in a distance far away. Look up at the shining blue stars, watch for the ones that shoot across the sky, and make a wish.
  3. Seasons, Reasons, Causes: February 2017

    Disneyland Nightmares, Rats, Roaches, Micky Mouse. Faces In Crowns, Crowd Controls, Nazi Camps To Run, Counting Heads,Taking Cash, Credit, Silent Knights, Veterans Battles In The Head. Charles R. Jarrot 7607778998 , Charlie Jesuit or Jesus Christ, fairy tales, pretenses and horse and pony shows.Happy Dazes Daily: hate.Frank Agresti added ...
  4. Down Time Dreams To Actions

    Jean Paul Jarrot and Charles E. Jarrot, as asses in the hills of California-donkeys, and monkeys on their backs, self-serving, self-centered, shallow, vain, and greedy piss offs the whole lot of them. Gifts from the gods, is what they would like for you to believe, or just another dream for the dream wishes here.Time to wish a pond a star tonight, ready to leave the cities, and found places where stops on traffic are in a distance far away. Look up at the shining blue stars, watch for the ones that shoot across the sky, and make a wish.
  5. Thur The Woods: 

    Faux Rock Stars-piss offs the whole lot: Steven Jay Jarrot, crook, cheater, liar, fag to date, faces of snakes in the grass, sex for drug trades for friends, pay and play, pages to books, tips and tales, history not news today, his stories of nuts and dicks, gangs to serve, roles to play, good times, dreams lives in the dark.Time to wish a pond a star tonight, ready to leave the cities, and found places where stops on traffic are in a distance far away. Look up at the shining blue stars, watch for the ones that shoot across the sky, and make a wish.
  6. Live And Learn, Classes Daily, Dances On Sands Of Time.: August 2018

    End Of Dazes, Sunsets For Fish, Men, Frogs, Rats racing, daily events, stars to shine bright. Tales and fish in seas, frogs and men in water, hook and lines out for food. Fish, frogs, snakes in water, hands out to put in fires, food to eat another day.Time to wish a pond a star tonight, ready to leave the cities, and found places where stops on traffic are in a distance far away. Look up at the shining blue stars, watch for the ones that shoot across the sky, and make a wish.
  7. Land Whales: Frogs and Fish: Cattle To Go: Sunsets and fish ...


The total amount stolen in 2013 was $37,000 and fingers are pointed a Steven Jay Jarrot first, Dwight Lacy for second place, then Patrica Campbell or the north end of Palm Springs, and there are others as well, even family members like Rachel, Sheri and Sima Jarrot.  Steven Jay Jarrot, stole car with assistance from AAA, Life is too short to stress yourself out. Sometimes you need to stop worrying, planning and just relax, release and let go.
Randy Serro of Lynnwood, who was the receiver of stolen car by Steve, and he kept hidden from police and insurance peopele as well as AAA. Steven had fake key made to steal car, but did not have computer chip in it so it would not start. Steve view is he took car (not stole), so he could come back to say hello? Fingers were pointed at others, and blame was toss at fairy or butterfly that had another day of rebirth, so that person died to be reborn again.... 

Snake in the grass and a evil person is the way my friends and my family and the strangers that hear ths recap say about this family of Steven Jay Jarrot, and his daught Rachel or Rocky the fag hag two -Jarrot, and Sheri Jarrot are all birds of the feather and the one and same in all family matters, to include Charley, Jackie and Sima Jarrot in this clan.Life is too short to stress yourself out. Sometimes you need to stop worrying, planning and just relax, release and let go.Sometimes you need to stop worrying, planning and just relax, release and let go.

πŸ’₯😎🌊🌊Glory Dazes Done, Dances In The Air, Marines For Life, Live And Learn. Charms and graces, hands to lend a hand, houses and homes, ways to go.Awesome enjoy!Story Sunsets Darkness. πŸ„πŸ˜Ž. - Close up.American birds, American Women, ..Making Waves 2: πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸŒŠπŸ„Nice to know, nice place to be, nice to start the day, faces online, stories of others, party views, lovers to come, haters to leave, pages to turn, songs to sing, glory dazes to come, songs on the radio to share.

Frogs In Masks, Treats, Trades, Silent Knights..Dinner dates, snakes to eat, meat on the table, white rites, white in the country, of knights in arms, guns and bears, knights in the woods.Solomon’s secret to success is this: refuse to honk your own horn.
Peas in a pod,twins and a a spare, lots of love, lot of the womb, three parts, views of the love, still in tack. Nice shot, thanks.....Nuts fall, frank to fall off, out of fucks, no dick in the new year, beans to live, frank to fall, under the fat, layers of fecal matters. Aleane Horns, faces of babes up in arms, kids to protect, Starr Bright, wishes on lovers, to stay.. Wings To fly away, cons and pros.MOON'S EASY MONEYThe tongue has the power of life and death.

Frank Agresti : Bald and fat, Red Dates, Read and wide, dicks and dawgs, dates with cheap fucks, no cash to spend, no house of his own, back with the kids and their dawgs, circles of rejects from NY. retards and basket cases. Frank Agresti for a free ride, veterans to prey, back in time, birthday present, to kick the dog, free rides to the trash in the apartment roaches in the cracks.

And it’s the sage like guidance that inspires us to make our life that much better.Watching The Clocks.9 to 5. W4M: Retired senior, works for self, leader of the band, giant, witty, sunny and bright, nothing less, will do. Strength is an attitude. Everywhere! What does this mean?Lucky Purple for hope, purple for moods, sunny and bright, so happy to see the light of day, every day.Joys And Pains ...Looks: in a hat, cap, or bright and shining head in the sun, waves to make writing is what I like to do, to pass the time of day. MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!What does this mean? "Seeing another's viewpoint as wrong, doesn't make one's viewpoint right.

The Temptations And The Four Tops. Coins To Toss, Frogs, Fish ...

Don't get me wrong. Ooh La La.πŸ’œπŸŒΈπŸ’œSEEKER OF TRUTH.Choices Made: Woman for one man, seniors alerts, giant on land, leader of the boys to men, bands to play. GREAT: Communication, Sincere, Humor, Interest, Truthful, Respectful, Thoughtful, Kind, Caring, Loving to build. 

Patient Story: PTSD - American Psychiatric Association,The Causes and Treatment of PTSD Nightmares. Yiddish Proverb",Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.
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Back on track, writing out the issues up in the air. Tips, tales, and bridges to resources for homeless, displace veterans, my mission in life, earth angel to save the day. Heads up, hands out, to help you back up again. Sisters with different mothers, and their bumps in the road, fairy tales for real life.Sometimes you need to stop worrying, planning and just relax, release and let go.

Veteran Ptsd Attacks Nightmares, Back on track, writing out the issues. Yiddish Proverb",Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.USA Military Leaders.Few actors in the world have had a career quite as diverse as Leonardo DiCaprio's. Monkeys, ❤️ 5151: Made in America .

Happy Birthdays daily, pages to books, pages to turn, pages to call...Be kind .Show respect to all men and women, but grovel to none. Let silence be your motto, until duty bids you to speak. Thank the Great Spirit for every meal.Be kind .Classes On Lovers 2. John Burns, veteran of the War of 1812, and a hero of the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863. What a Man, Cheers And Chaps, USA Military Leaders.Few actors in the world have had a career quite as diverse as Leonardo DiCaprio's. Monkeys, ❤️ 5151: Made in America .Aleane Angel Going Flying Kites, Birds And Bees, Singing Songs. Heaven On Earth Angels Sing Blessings Notes 

Lots of luck with the wigs, lots of laughs with the dark pencils around the eyes, cancer without hair, not the case here. Bald head since the age of 16, for the second time in her life, Rachel Jarrot. Back to wigs, back to caps, back to bad hair days, life without hares in the woods, chicks and babes, not who we are writing about, just Rachel Jarrot. Bald head or not, it runs in the face, lack of hair in life, so what, wigs and caps to do.USA Military Leaders.Few actors in the world have had a career quite as diverse as Leonardo DiCaprio's. Monkeys, ❤️ 5151: Made in America .

Bumps in the roads, frogs and snakes, tales of Jewish White Monkeys tips of love and hate, monkeys to dodge, monkeys to swing, to trade, to trick, cash or credit.
Coins To Toss, Frogs, Fish, Facts, Freaks Out In Knights, Dicks, Dawgs, ... Snakes in grass, nightmares, lovershaterssuckers for free rides, faces in shit ... Eyes Open, Grow Up, Get Wise: Songs to sing, glory dazes done, rules to fCute OVERVIEW… .Rats To Roaches, Good Time Toads, Faces In The Crowds, Heads To ...The Temptations And The Four Tops..Can we try that. Friendship again.Happy to share the time and the space, classes in the woods, classes on the beach, fires of hopes burning bright. .... Did You Know, Heads To CountGood Time Toads.

Wisdom is a great source of power. It’s through others’ stories of failure and success that we learn the most. It’s through their experiences of things we have yet to witness that feeds us the knowledge we need to fly high, to build upon what we already know. There is little in life that a wise mind can’t conquer. And it’s the sage like guidance that inspires us to make our life that much better.Watching The Clocks.9 to 5.  Retired senior, works for self, leader of the band, giant, witty, sunny and bright, nothing less, will do. Faces in the mirror, terms of endearment, with friends or foes, family of snakes, crooks and frogs, plenty to dodge. It is the part of a good shepherd to shear his flock, not to skin it. - Proverb .Few actors in the world have had a career quite as diverse as Leonardo DiCaprio's. Monkeys, ❤️ 5151: Made in America .

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