Think about the kids, nuts to fall, nuts alone, girls with out mothers, motherless girls. I don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent. Life is a season of changes.Men and mice, faces in the crowds, faces under the skin, frogs and fish. Wine and bread, crumbs for the two kids, mothers dead, father with a new wive. Two times, death, divorce, and desertions , coins to flip.
Horse Happy dates, houses on hills,of castles in the sky, people that die. Spooks and ghosts in the wind, in the signs in sky. Hidden massages, sheep's in the herds, sheep in the hills and valleys. Tips and tales to share, into the woods, snakes and frogs. Animals on the trees, animals under the skins, plenty of fish and frogs in the seas.Men and mice, faces in the crowds, faces under the skin, frogs and fish. Wine and bread, crumbs for the two kids, mothers dead, father with a new wive. Two times, death, divorce, and desertions , coins to flip.

THIS FAMILY HATES FACTS... IT'S HYSTERICAL.. Ways to grow, family notes, daddy here, sister also, faces in the mirror.Mistakes In The...INTERVIEW: RACHEL JARROT: NOT JEWISH....Rachel Cattle, Wigs For Caps. Charles R Jarrot Credit Consulting - 26 Photos - Debt Relief Services ...Good times, life on the beach, joys and pains, bumps in the road, tricked and pimped, life in a coffin, dead and gone, Penny and Chuck Moor, lovers and friends for a minute.Men and mice, faces in the crowds, faces under the skin, frogs and fish. Wine and bread, crumbs for the two kids, mothers dead, father with a new wive. Two times, death, divorce, and desertions , coins to flip.
Rachel and Steven Jarrot,760 851 2267- lovers and haters, hats and horns, sinners and saints, tales of love and devotion. Coins to flip, cards on the table, tricked over time and space. Hats and horns, sheep and goats, love is the horns of a goat, lovers and haters, hats to wear. Treats, Trades, Silent Knights..Dinner dates, snakes to eat, meat on the table, white rites, white in the country, of knights in arms, guns and bears, knights in the woods. Men and mice, faces in the crowds, faces under the skin, frogs and fish. Wine and bread, crumbs for the two kids, mothers dead, father with a new wive. Two times, death, divorce, and desertions , coins to flip.
Men and mice, faces in the crowds, faces under the skin, frogs and fish. Wine and bread, crumbs for the two kids, mothers dead, father with a new wive. Two times, death, divorce, and desertions , coins to flip.
Think about the kids, nuts to fall, nuts alone, girls with out mothers, motherless girls. I don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent. Life is a season of changes.
Pumpkins and Tents: Bald Looks: Hairs to Spare, Princess Frog- Rachel Jarrot: Forever Butch. DREAM life? Patterns Set....Maya Moor, Veterans Housing Matters. Paths taken on the roads to great, happiness to create, songs on the road again, lots of laughs, fun and games. Songs to sing, hats and horns, birds in the dogwood trees, flying monkeys to dodge.Men and mice, faces in the crowds, faces under the skin, frogs and fish. Wine and bread, crumbs for the two kids, mothers dead, father with a new wive. Two times, death, divorce, and desertions , coins to flip.

THIS FAMILY HATES FACTS... IT'S HYSTERICAL.. Ways to grow, family notes, daddy here, sister also, faces in the mirror. Lovers and haters, birds and bees, Bailey Roots, joys and pains, stories left behind. Monkeys to games, swingers on trees, trips to hell and back, bumps in the roads.Men and mice, faces in the crowds, faces under the skin, frogs and fish. Wine and bread, crumbs for the two kids, mothers dead, father with a new wive. Two times, death, divorce, and desertions , coins to flip.

Hopes, wishes, dreams in actions, lots of love, lots of luck, lots of tests over times, hands to hold, family trees. Bill, Jack, Richard, Walters, Robin, leaders of the pack, ages to go, decades on earth, four, seven, and eight, dances on the sands of time.
Treats, Trades, Silent Knights.Monkeys to games, swingers on trees, trips to hell and back, bumps in the roads.. THIS FAMILY HATES FACTS... IT'S HYSTERICAL.. Ways to grow, family notes, daddy here, sister also, faces in the mirror.
Monkeys to games, swingers on trees, trips to hell and back, bumps in the roads.Monkeys to games, swingers on trees, trips to hell and back, bumps in the roads.. THIS FAMILY HATES FACTS... IT'S HYSTERICAL.. Ways to grow, family notes, daddy here, sister also, faces in the mirror.
Faces in a crowd, faces in the dark, faces covered up, happy events. Cartoon hits, cat and mouse games, horse and pony shows, bumps in the road, people lost in space. Treats, Trades, Silent Knights.Monkeys to games, swingers on trees, trips to hell and back, bumps in the roads.. THIS FAMILY HATES FACTS... IT'S HYSTERICAL.. Ways to grow, family notes, daddy here, sister also, faces in the mirror.
Mistakes In The...INTERVIEW: RACHEL JARROT: NOT JEWISH....Rachel Cattle, Wigs For Caps. Charles R Jarrot Credit Consulting - 26 Photos - Debt Relief Services ...Good times, life on the beach, joys and pains, bumps in the road, tricked and pimped, life in a coffin, dead and gone, Penny and Chuck Moor, lovers and friends for a minute, with Rachel and Steven Jarrot,760 851 2267- lovers and haters, hats and horns, sinners and saints, tales of love and devotion. Coins to flip, cards on the table, tricked over time and space. Hats and horns, sheep and goats, love is the horns of a goat, lovers and haters, hats to wear.
Happy and sad, gifts of tales to share, lights on for next season of classes on the sands of time.Monkeys to games, swingers on trees, trips to hell and back, bumps in the roads.. THIS FAMILY HATES FACTS... IT'S HYSTERICAL.. Ways to grow, family notes, daddy here, sister also, faces in the mirror.
Trips to hell and back, time on crosses, time to shine. Sheep and Goats, Horns On Head, Horns to blow, dances on sands of time. Monkey see, and monkey do, trips around the dogwood trees. Monkeys to games, swingers on trees, trips to hell and back, bumps in the roads.Treats, Trades, Silent Knights.Monkeys to games, swingers on trees, trips to hell and back, bumps in the roads.. THIS FAMILY HATES FACTS... IT'S HYSTERICAL.. Ways to grow, family notes, daddy here, sister also, faces in the mirror.
Waves to make, hopes and wishes for more, ships to sail, pages to turn, books to review. Bad apples some of them, houses with bed bugs, to give the veterans hope, does not work very well, need blue oceans created.
Monkeys to games, swingers on trees, trips to hell and back, bumps in the roads.. THIS FAMILY HATES FACTS... IT'S HYSTERICAL.. Ways to grow, family notes, daddy here, sister also, faces in the mirror.Mistakes In The...INTERVIEW: RACHEL JARROT: NOT JEWISH....Rachel Cattle, Wigs For Caps. Charles R Jarrot Credit Consulting - 26 Photos - Debt Relief Services ...Good times, life on the beach, joys and pains, bumps in the road, tricked and pimped, life in a coffin, dead and gone, Penny and Chuck Moor, lovers and friends for a minute, with Rachel and Steven Jarrot,760 851 2267- lovers and haters, hats and horns, sinners and saints, tales of love and devotion. Coins to flip, cards on the table, tricked over time and space. Hats and horns, sheep and goats, love is the horns of a goat, lovers and haters, hats to wear.
Frogs, fools, freaks, plenty of fish in the seas. Knights to dreams, kings on top, bitches with 5 stars. Dung Happy:
π¦Blame Games: Jewish White Sluts, Donkeys 2 Ride-Jewish Army 2015. Frog Army 2017.

Hats to wear, tricks to trade, frogs to kisses, dicks, dawgs, and dates, Nuts and retards, nuts on the run, faces in the mirror, faces of cheap tricks, cows to fly, donkey dates on the side of the road.
Lovers and haters, nuts to come, nuts to grow, freaks, frogs, and snakes in the grass.
Lovers and haters, nuts to come, nuts to grow, freaks, frogs, and snakes in the grass.
I'll ask kaddish Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me..o yea I forgive but spell-casting with words that don't work on me irritates me like decompose flies, no witch or brujo is stronger than a messenger of Adonai, and no legion of demon's is stronger than YESHUA,....your not a girl what are you doing on woman for men site?Donkeys and Asses: Sheri and lover, Rachel Jarrot, Fag Hags 1 & 2:Good Time Toads.
See you tomorrow! Sleep well and tight!. ππππΏ♂️π«daddy af π♥️ "Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers .
CREST:A human hand holding a short sword. MOTTO:A hand and a dagger:Best songs of Michael Learns To Rock || 2017 (LYRICS). Learns To Rock: The best Fairy tale ever told (Bi i) Better than Rumpelstiltskin or mother Goose and theyre real! i'm writing a true fairy tale (fixed) see um these frogs in the rocks their our last hope if some rock flies through us like...See you tomorrow! Sleep well and tight!. ππππΏ♂️π«daddy af π♥️ "Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers .
Veterans on the streets, homeless blues, back in time, nightmares still. Blast to the darkness, joys and pains, lovers and haters, friends and family, faces o friends to cut off. Voices with in, me, myself, and the noise inside of my head.Back In Time, Dimes To Drop, NY escapees. dicks, dawgs, and dates. Family Affairs.☔☔. Nuts on the run, retards on donkeys, stories out of the bible. Jesus Christ, bastard born in a barn, son of a cheap trick, and a pimp on a donkey late at night. Angels Calls, History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers:Birds In Flight.See you tomorrow! Sleep well and tight!. ππππΏ♂️π«daddy af π♥️ "Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers .

Daisy and dicks, dawgs and frogs, snakes to sing songs, of love and hate. Snake Dances: Eat a snake or two, snakes and frogs on sticks, party and play, party dazes with dicks and dogs. See you tomorrow! Sleep well and tight!. ππππΏ♂️π«daddy af π♥️ "Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers .
Veterans on the streets, homeless blues, back in time, nightmares still. Blast to the darkness, joys and pains, lovers and haters, friends and family, faces o friends to cut off. Voices with in, me, myself, and the noise inside of my head.Back In Time, Dimes To Drop, NY escapees. dicks, dawgs, and dates. Family Affairs.☔☔. Nuts on the run, retards on donkeys, stories out of the bible. Jesus Christ, bastard born in a barn, son of a cheap trick, and a pimp on a donkey late at night. Angels Calls, History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers:Birds In Flight.See you tomorrow! Sleep well and tight!. ππππΏ♂️π«daddy af π♥️ "Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers .

Daisy and dicks, dawgs and frogs, snakes to sing songs, of love and hate. Snake Dances: Eat a snake or two, snakes and frogs on sticks, party and play, party dazes with dicks and dogs. See you tomorrow! Sleep well and tight!. ππππΏ♂️π«daddy af π♥️ "Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers .
Rude..Donkeys and Asses: Sheri and lover, Rachel Jarrot, Fag Hags 1 & 2:Good Time Toads....Fucking Witches. changed the name of the group stop slaugtering all the wild last american horses spirit of the wild to the wild last mustangs of america spirit of the wild. Christiane Kinser, I, TONYA,.. remember I don't read sand script or symbol text anymore so English or Hebrew will have to do in our future communications...... Agape.
Wishes, Hopes,Defined: Hang On: Pains Ends. No: Next Opening. Faces In The Light Of The Moons. Silent Knights, Frogs, Spiders And Snakes In The Grass. Sexy, Fit, And Fab, Sirens: Books To Read, Leaders, Lessons, Learners, Heads To Count, Earth Angels, Hosts To Greet. Tips To Stores, Schools Of Hard Knocks.Charles Barker At the root of my current problem is the seed of my next miracle.Donkeys and Asses: Sheri and lover, Rachel Jarrot, Fag Hags 1 & 2:Good Time Toads.
Tips now ▼ 2014 (8)► November (2)► October (2)▼ September (2)Lyon Sacks: Donkeys and Asses: Sheri and lover, Rachel Jarrot, Fag Hags 1 & 2:Good Time Toads.Jewish Style..Lyon Sacks: Fire and Ice: Hell Rings► August (2)
Just thankful for the lessons learned, with out the trips to the hospital to replace the missing part, thankful for another day on the right side of the grave. Graves to you and graves to me, death done on the wild side for the sex, drugs, and turns to sit on the faces of fools and frogs, hell hounds to date, whales on land, at the schools of hard knocks, UCLA butches, bitches and whales, for the BBWs moments on the fence of the tricks and trades.Happy for another day in the present, hopes for a better tomorrow. Donkeys and Asses: Sheri and lover, Rachel Jarrot, Fag Hags 1 & 2:Good Time Toads.
Trips to the moon, trips into the woods, spiders and snakes. Classes on the beach, snakes in dens, wolves hidden in the dark....Ghosts and spooks sitting at the doors, bones in boxes, in garden of the expired. Good times, good stories, history recorded, his lies, history hidden in darkness.Hell hounds to date. TIPS: TO SHARE, shame and hate, history written and recorded, fairy tales for young at heat. Balls in the air, blue balls to spare, tricks and treats, to cum at night.Donkeys and Asses: Sheri and lover, Rachel Jarrot, Fag Hags 1 & 2:Good Time Toads.
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